Resources for Volunteers
Share A Success Story
Email summer@gdvlp.org about your experience as a VLP attorney.
Email the paralegal you worked with or summer@gdvlp.org for a e-document you can sign
Earn CLE Credit
Attorneys can receive CLE credit for their pro bono service through the VLP. One hour of CLE credit is earned for every 6 hours of pro bono time volunteered. Be sure to download the Ohio CLE Form 23.

Montgomery County Common Pleas Court
Preble County Court of Common Pleas
Darke County Common Pleas Court
Miami County Court of Common Pleas
Comments, questions, suggestions or concerns?
We would love to hear from you about how to make our service to the legal community better.
Thank you!
“I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands. You need to be able to throw something back.” - Maya Angelou
To all of the amazing attorneys who volunteer their time to the Greater Dayton Volunteer Lawyers Project, thank you very much for throwing it back through our organization!